Happy Clients

“The detail and quality Tom was able to achieve in such a short amount of time was really something. They got the brief immediately, kept in touch often and managed to turn around prototypes that we could send to the end consumer, within a matter of weeks. His designs were innovative, thoughtful and unique. Plus, his pragmatic approach meant that we were able to find solutions to barriers quickly and efficiently, in order to meet our tight deadline. I can’t recommend Tom enough!”

Maisie McDowell – Design & Innovation

“Tom has been an incredibly valuable partner in our creative concept development. Toms’ ability to visually communicate ideas has been an asset to our process and resulted in consistently clear cut consumer validation results. As a result, Tom’s work has consistently enabled us to make well informed business decisions. Beyond his technical ability, Tom is an absolute pleasure to work with and I would highly recommend him to anyone who won’t block up his calendar when we need his help.”

Geoff Holtes - Pepsico

“Tom has supported us on a number of Product Design projects and we have consistently found the engagement, concept definition, product realisation and progression through to production to be of the highest quality. Tom engaged and integrated to the ethos of our team and the collective goals we were striving to achieve, his contribution within the team environment was highly commendable. Tom by nature of his personality, intelligence and creativity is a pleasure to do business with.”

Stephen Devine - Regenersis

“I followed Tom’s work for a number of years, patiently waiting for an opportunity to work with him. The right job came up this year with a client in the Middle East and boy was I surprised. After 25 years of working with creatives like Tom, it is not often that someone still impresses you, but Tom’s intellect, work ethic and sheer talent are unparalleled. My team can’t wait to work with him again and now consider him an extension of our capability.”

David Heacock - BCG

“Often disruptive innovation opportunities in large organisations struggle to gain traction until they are “made real” for senior leaders. Tom’s work has been invaluable at helping us sell a vision of the future into the business. By bringing to life concept propositions and showcasing the consumer benefits, Tom has enabled our projects to move to the next phase.”

Dan Austin – Mars Petcare

“Tom has worked with us on many occasions, integrating with our design and innovation teams, helping to expertly communicate concepts and visual output. Toms background and knowledge of the industrial design process always adds a critical additional layer of refinement at the point of capture. He is highly skilled at what he does, understands a brief well and brings real clarity and meaning to our discussions. He always gets on well with the project teams, is a quick thinker and has a keen eye for detail. He delivers work which is of the highest quality and always on time.”

David Marchant - Pepsico

“When we need someone to help us visualise concepts, Tom is at the top of our list. He’s flexible, dependable, communicates well, and he’s just as comfortable supporting client-facing workshops as he is providing remote support. He’s not just a great illustrator – his design background means he captures and communicates ideas for products, packs and services at just the right level of fidelity. All that, and he’s a pleasure to work with, too. 10/10 – would recommend! ”

Rachel Turner – Wood for Trees

“I have worked with Tom on and off for a few years. He is a highly experienced designer, but in his more recent guise is a brilliant model maker too! We recently asked Tom to help build some development models, which he did under pretty tight deadlines and to a great quality. Anyone looking for a concept developer - in the broadest sense - I would suggest you contact Tom”

Ben Davies – Rodd Design

“We employed Tom to work on medical device project alongside our development team. His communication skills as well as his excellent illustrating skills enabled a good working relationship in the interdisciplinary team. Tom’s understanding of the dependencies for production and manufacturing and not forgetting the ergonomics and human factors delivered a great design solution. The results were well received and speedy. I would gladly work with him again.”

Sofia Galbraith – Roche

“Tom has produced some excellent concept work for our product portfolio, and worked well with our in house team of engineers and various stakeholders ensuring the vision & integrity of the originally conceived design made its way into the final product. No mean feat.”

Dave Budworth – Horstmann

“Tom worked on pipeline development project with us, creating high fidelity illustrations to be tested with consumers. Toms’ capabilities as a designer meant that the illustrations went above and beyond our expectations. I would recommend Tom for his technical ability, attention to detail and willingness to be flexible to very tight and moveable deadlines.”

Debbie Bryant – Plan

“I worked with Tom on a large project for a mutual client where time and fast, pragmatic decision making was the order of the day. Given that we had not long been introduced much before this daunting task and looming deadline, Tom grabbed the project by the proverbial scruff of the neck and delivered insightful, sound and practical solutions to the brief, ensuring that we hit our deadline - dare I say it - with time to spare. Aside from his design abilities, he has a personable way about him and doesn’t falter under pressure - 2 ‘real world’ attributes which every designer should strive to attain.”

Russell Beard – Head of Design