
My work gives ideas more punch, visions more reality and messages more purpose.  I prevent our partners being bogged down in the detail and enable them to communicate the bigger picture.  I help convey complex or abstract information with simplicity and clarity, allowing any audience to instantly understand and connect.

Vision Mapping - Infographics - Murals - Storyboarding - Illustration - Concept Visuals - Live Scribing

Sustainable FMCG project pipeline

Illustrated innovation platforms and visually communicated concept ideas during workshop sessions, building out and refining project pipeline.

Medical service provider concept visuals

Created a series of digitally rendered visuals and storyboards to communicate and refine user touch points in a new service innovation

Alternative protein brand business vision

Collaborated with innovation partner to clarify and visually bring to life the organisations 5 year product, technology and business vision

Global Telecoms business change communication

Partnered with a global management consultancy to translate business challenges into illustrated content to visualise the complex operational themes.

Global food & beverage partner NPD

Refined and brought to life new product opportunities through illustration of product experience, packaging format and retail vision.